A Sharp Minor Scale
Then well raise the seventh note G by 12 step to G G double-sharp. This minor scale key is on the Circle of 5ths - A minor on circle of 5ths which means that it is a commonly used minor scale key. Pin On Piano Basics of diatonic harmony and key theory. . Guitar Key Guide is a valuable reference for quickly determining the chords and scale patterns for all major and minor keys. How to play scales on keyboard in all keys. The A Minor consists of seven notes. It has no sharp or flat notes. The C C or B notes are the notes for an A minor scale see earlier instruction above in our prior lesson. A is the 1st note of the A natural minor scale. Click here for the BEST pianokeyboard course Ive come across online. Now that we know the notes of the F sharp minor scale natural we now take a look at the F sharp harmonic minor scale. This melodic minor scale is based on the natural minor scale with the. ...